Om Tone 136.1 Hz + Cosmic 432 Hz + Divine 963 Hz @ 7.83Hz

The combination of Om Tone 136.1 Hz, Cosmic 432 Hz, and Divine 963 Hz is said to create a powerful soundscape that can promote spiritual awakening and inner peace.

Om Tone 136.1 Hz is the fundamental frequency of the Sanskrit word “Om,” which is considered to be a sacred sound in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is said to have the power to cleanse the mind and body and to open the heart chakra.

Cosmic 432 Hz is a tuning frequency that is said to be more in tune with nature than the standard 440 Hz tuning frequency. It is said to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve sleep.

Divine 963 Hz is a frequency that is said to be associated with spiritual awakening and enlightenment. It is said to help to connect with the divine and to raise consciousness.

When these three frequencies are combined, they are said to create a powerful healing and transformative experience. The combination of Om Tone 136.1 Hz, Cosmic 432 Hz, and Divine 963 Hz is said to:

  • Increase relaxation and reduce stress
  • Improve sleep
  • Boost creativity and intuition
  • Enhance spiritual awareness
  • Promote healing and well-being

Some people believe that listening to Om Tone 136.1 Hz, Cosmic 432 Hz, and Divine 963 Hz can help to attract abundance into their lives. This is because these frequencies are said to be associated with the law of attraction, which is the belief that positive thoughts and emotions can attract positive experiences into one’s life.

If you are interested in trying Om Tone 136.1 Hz, Cosmic 432 Hz, and Divine 963 Hz for yourself, there are a number of ways to do so. You can listen to music that has been recorded at these frequencies, or you can use a binaural beat generator to create your own soundscape. Binaural beats are two different frequencies that are played in each ear. When these frequencies are played at the right volume, they create the illusion of a third, deeper frequency. This third frequency is said to have a number of beneficial effects on the mind and body.

If you are new to using Om Tone 136.1 Hz, Cosmic 432 Hz, and Divine 963 Hz, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase the amount of time you spend listening to these frequencies. It is also important to listen to music or use a binaural beat generator that is of high quality. Low-quality audio can actually have the opposite effect and cause stress and anxiety.

If you are looking for a way to relax, improve your sleep, boost your creativity, or enhance your spiritual awareness, then Om Tone 136.1 Hz, Cosmic 432 Hz, and Divine 963 Hz may be worth trying. However, it is important to remember that these frequencies are not a cure-all. They are simply tools that can be used to help you achieve your goals.

Here are some tips for using Om Tone 136.1 Hz, Cosmic 432 Hz, and Divine 963 Hz for spiritual awakening and inner peace:

  • Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
  • Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
  • Focus on the sound of the frequencies.
  • Allow yourself to relax and let go of any thoughts or worries.
  • Listen to the frequencies for as long as you like.

You may experience a variety of sensations, such as tingling, warmth, or a sense of peace. You may also have visions or insights. If you do, allow yourself to experience them without judgment.

When you are finished listening to the frequencies, take a few more deep breaths and open your eyes. You may feel relaxed, refreshed, and more in touch with your inner self.