Dos and Don’ts in share market : Stock Market Tips

Here are some dos and don’ts for investing in the share market:


  1. Do research before investing: Research the companies you are interested in investing in, their financials, and the overall market conditions to make informed investment decisions.
  2. Do diversify your portfolio: Spread your investments across different stocks, sectors, and asset classes to minimize risk.
  3. Do invest for the long-term: The stock market can be volatile in the short-term, so it’s important to have a long-term investment horizon to ride out market fluctuations and benefit from potential growth.
  4. Do have a plan: Determine your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment strategy before investing in the share market.
  5. Do invest regularly: Regularly investing small amounts of money over time can help you take advantage of the power of compounding and minimize the risk of investing all at once.


  1. Don’t invest blindly: Don’t invest in a stock just because someone else recommends it or because it’s trending. Always do your own research before investing.
  2. Don’t panic: Market fluctuations are normal and can be influenced by a variety of factors. Avoid making rash decisions based on short-term market trends.
  3. Don’t try to time the market: Trying to time the market by buying and selling stocks based on short-term trends can be risky and difficult to execute successfully.
  4. Don’t invest all your money in one stock: Investing all your money in one stock can be risky and may result in significant losses if the stock underperforms.
  5. Don’t borrow money to invest: Don’t invest with borrowed money as it can increase your risk and lead to financial losses.

Remember, investing in the share market involves risk, and it’s important to carefully consider your individual financial situation and goals before making any investment decisions. Seeking the guidance of a financial advisor can help you make informed investment decisions and avoid costly mistakes.