April 2023

Empower Your Financial Mindset: Top 10 Money Affirmations

Introduction: Our thoughts and beliefs have a profound impact on our financial well-being. Positive affirmations, when practiced regularly, can help shift our mindset, attract abundance, and invite prosperity into our lives. In this blog post, we present the top 10 money affirmations that can empower your financial mindset and pave the way for a more …

Empower Your Financial Mindset: Top 10 Money Affirmations Read More »

Manifesting with Mantra : Focus thoughts, intentions, and energy on desired outcomes

Manifesting with mantras is a technique used by many individuals to focus their thoughts, intentions, and energy on their desired outcomes. Mantras are repeated phrases or affirmations that are chanted, spoken, or silently repeated to create a specific vibration or resonance within oneself. Here are some steps to manifest with mantras: Here are some additional …

Manifesting with Mantra : Focus thoughts, intentions, and energy on desired outcomes Read More »

Law of Assumption by Neville Goddard : whatever you assume or believe to be true will eventually manifest

The “law of assumption” is a central concept in the teachings of Neville Goddard, a spiritual teacher and writer known for his work on manifestation and the power of imagination. According to Goddard, the law of assumption is a fundamental principle that governs how our reality is created. In Goddard’s teachings, the law of assumption …

Law of Assumption by Neville Goddard : whatever you assume or believe to be true will eventually manifest Read More »

Top Frequencies for Manifestation : Law of Attraction : Alpha, Theta and Delta Waves, Binaural Beats, 432Hz

Manifestation is often associated with the practice of the law of attraction, which suggests that by aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions with your desired outcome, you can attract it into your life. While the concept of frequencies in manifestation is not scientifically proven, some proponents believe that certain frequencies can enhance the manifestation process. …

Top Frequencies for Manifestation : Law of Attraction : Alpha, Theta and Delta Waves, Binaural Beats, 432Hz Read More »