January 2021

Money & Wealth Visualization with Rupee Symbol Rain : Cars, Jets, Gold, Diamond

This is a money and wealth visualization video with Indian currency Rupee symbol rain animation with luxury items like cars, apartments, gold, diamond, electronic items like mobile phone, laptop, ipad, iphone, mac book, private jets, yatcht etc Seeing, dreaming and visualizing are the main thing about law of attraction. You cannot attract anything without that. …

Money & Wealth Visualization with Rupee Symbol Rain : Cars, Jets, Gold, Diamond Read More »

Money Affirmations Mandala : Manifest Anything : God’s Frequency 963Hz + Om 136.1Hz

This is a beautiful money mandala with very powerful wealth affirmations. Audio included consists of 2 frequencies – 963Hz which is an ancient soffeggio scale tone and also called God’s frequency or Law of Attraction tone and 136.1Hz which is the popularly known as om frequency. Both these tones highly beneficial to attract money, wealth …

Money Affirmations Mandala : Manifest Anything : God’s Frequency 963Hz + Om 136.1Hz Read More »

Wealth & Money Visualization : Gold Coins, Indian Currency Rupee, Bitcoin, Diamonds

When it comes to law of attraction of manifestation of money our mindset is the most important thing. If we try all these techniques with a negative mindset about money and abundance it will not work. Instead always try to be positive about it even if you are in a financial crisis. We manifest whatever …

Wealth & Money Visualization : Gold Coins, Indian Currency Rupee, Bitcoin, Diamonds Read More »