432Hz, 528Hz, 639Hz @ 4.5Hz :Shamanic State Of Consciousness : Manifest Anything, Law of Attraction

Shamanic State Of Consciousness

Shamanic state of consciousness is a state of mind that is often achieved through shamanic practices such as drumming, chanting, or meditation. This state is characterized by a deep sense of connectedness with the spiritual realm, heightened awareness, and altered perception of reality.

In this state, the shaman or practitioner may experience vivid and intense mental imagery, communicate with spirit guides or ancestors, and gain insights into the nature of the universe and their place in it. The shamanic state of consciousness is often described as a state of trance or ecstasy, where the boundaries between the physical and spiritual worlds become blurred.

Shamanic practices are found in many indigenous cultures around the world and are often used for healing, divination, and spiritual growth. The shaman or practitioner may use this state of consciousness to access information or energies that are not available in ordinary waking consciousness.

There are several ways to achieve a shamanic state of consciousness, including:

  1. Drumming or other rhythmic movement
  2. Chanting or singing
  3. Meditation or deep breathing
  4. Use of plant medicines or psychedelics

It is important to note that the use of psychedelics or plant medicines should be approached with caution and only under the guidance of a qualified practitioner.

Some potential benefits of the shamanic state of consciousness include increased intuition, a deeper connection to the spiritual realm, and improved emotional and physical well-being. However, it is important to approach shamanic practices with respect and caution, as they can be powerful and transformative experiences that require proper training and guidance to navigate safely.

4.5Hz :Shamanic State Of Consciousness Frequency

4.5Hz is believed to create the same shamanic state of consciousness if you listen it with full concentration and devotion. It comes in the theta brainwave range and in this video it is modulated in the binaural way.

Miracle Tone 432Hz with Solfeggio 528Hz & 639Hz

3 other important frequencies also included in this as career tones. All these tones are very beneficial for deep healing and regeneration like DNA repair, raise positive energy, remove negativity and so on.