Divine Tone 1111Hz @ Earth’s 7.83Hz : Manifest Miracles, Angelic Frequency, Money Meditation

Divine Tone 1111Hz : Angelic Frequency

Angelic numbers are a type of spiritual numerology that is believed to hold divine messages or symbolism. These numbers are considered to be a way for angels or the divine to communicate with us through numerical sequences that we repeatedly see in our daily lives.

The history of angelic numbers can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians and Egyptians who used numerology as a way of divination. In modern times, the concept of angelic numbers has been popularized through New Age and spiritual movements.

The importance of angelic numbers lies in the belief that they hold messages or guidance from the divine. Each number sequence is thought to represent a specific message or meaning, and by recognizing these patterns, we can gain insight into our lives and the universe around us.

The uses of angelic numbers vary, but they are often used as a tool for meditation, prayer, and manifestation. By focusing on a specific number sequence, individuals may be able to tap into its energy and manifest its associated meaning in their lives.

The belief in angelic numbers is a personal one, and the interpretation and use of these numbers are up to the individual. However, many people find comfort and guidance in these numerical sequences, and they can be a helpful tool for spiritual growth and self-reflection.

1111 is one such angelic numbers which is believed to have many significance in numerology. This video contains 1111Hz frequency in pure form.

Earth’s 7.83Hz : Schumann Resonance

7.83 Hz, also known as the Schumann resonance, is a natural frequency that exists in the Earth’s atmosphere. It is named after German physicist Winfried Otto Schumann, who discovered the frequency in 1952.

The Schumann resonance is caused by the electrical discharge activity that occurs between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere, a layer of charged particles that surrounds the planet. This activity creates electromagnetic waves that resonate at a frequency of approximately 7.83 Hz.

The importance of 7.83 Hz lies in its connection to human biology and consciousness. It has been suggested that this frequency is closely linked to the human brainwave patterns that occur during states of relaxation and meditation. Some researchers believe that exposure to 7.83 Hz can promote feelings of calmness and wellbeing, reduce stress and anxiety, and even improve immune function.

In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in using technology to mimic the effects of 7.83 Hz. Devices such as “Schumann resonance generators” are designed to emit electromagnetic waves at a frequency of 7.83 Hz, with the goal of promoting relaxation and wellbeing.

Money Meditation, Manifest Anything

Money meditation is a technique that involves using mindfulness and visualization to develop a positive relationship with money and abundance. The goal of this type of meditation is to release any negative beliefs or emotions that may be holding you back from achieving financial success and abundance.

Here are some steps to practice money meditation:

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down without distractions.
  2. Take several deep breaths to relax your body and mind.
  3. Visualize a peaceful and abundant scene, such as a beautiful garden or a flowing river. Imagine yourself surrounded by abundance and prosperity.
  4. Focus your attention on your breath and on the sensations in your body. Allow yourself to fully relax and let go of any tension or stress.
  5. Repeat positive affirmations or mantras related to money and abundance. For example, “I am worthy of financial abundance” or “Money flows easily and freely into my life.”
  6. Visualize yourself achieving your financial goals, such as paying off debt, saving for retirement, or achieving a certain level of income.
  7. Express gratitude for the abundance and prosperity in your life, both present and future.
  8. Listen to this frequency in the background.

Money meditation can be a powerful tool for shifting your mindset and attracting more abundance into your life. By practicing this technique regularly, you may find that you feel more confident, motivated, and empowered to achieve your financial goals.