How to Attract Money with Reiki

Using Reiki energy healing techniques, you can harness and direct the universal life force energy to help manifest abundance and attract money into your life. Here are some steps you can follow to attract money with Reiki:

  1. Set Your Intention: Begin by setting a clear intention for attracting money. Clearly state your desire for financial abundance and specify how much money you would like to attract. Be specific and positive in your intentions.
  2. Prepare a Reiki Space: Create a peaceful and sacred space where you can perform your Reiki practice. Cleanse the space by burning sage or using any other method you prefer to clear negative energy and invite positive vibrations.
  3. Grounding and Centering: Sit or stand in a comfortable position and take a few deep breaths to ground yourself. Visualize roots growing from your feet into the earth, connecting you to its stable and supportive energy. Feel yourself becoming centered and present.
  4. Activate Reiki Energy: Invoke the Reiki energy by mentally or verbally stating your intention to connect with the healing energy. Draw the Reiki symbols (such as the power symbol, the mental/emotional symbol, and the distance symbol) in the air or on your body, using your intention to activate their energies.
  5. Self-Reiki: Begin by giving yourself a full Reiki session. Place your hands on various parts of your body, allowing the Reiki energy to flow through you. Focus on the intention of attracting money, visualizing abundance flowing to you effortlessly.
  6. Money Affirmations: While performing self-Reiki, recite positive affirmations related to money and abundance. Repeat affirmations such as “I am worthy of financial abundance,” “Money flows to me easily and effortlessly,” or any other affirmations that resonate with you. Feel the truth and power of these affirmations as you say them.
  7. Visualization: Use the power of visualization during your Reiki session. Imagine yourself surrounded by a golden light that represents abundance. Visualize money coming to you from various sources, see yourself paying off debts, and enjoying financial freedom. Create vivid mental images that evoke strong positive emotions.
  8. Gratitude Practice: Express gratitude for the abundance that is already present in your life. Thank the universe for the money you have and appreciate any financial blessings, no matter how small. Gratitude helps to shift your energy to a positive and abundant mindset.
  9. Closing the Session: Once you feel the Reiki session is complete, thank the Reiki energy for its support and guidance. Ground yourself once again by visualizing roots connecting you to the earth. Take a few deep breaths and slowly return to the present moment.
  10. Take Inspired Action: After your Reiki session, be open to opportunities and take inspired action towards your financial goals. Follow your intuition and act on any guidance or ideas that come to you. The Reiki energy has cleared and aligned your energy, allowing you to attract and recognize opportunities for financial abundance.

Remember, attracting money with Reiki is a process that requires patience, trust, and alignment with your intentions. Reiki is a complementary practice, and while it can help shift your energy and mindset, it is important to also take practical steps in your everyday life to attract and manage your finances wisely.